Campaign Landing Page

Things In Place Already Signed Up

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This series of pages was designed in the style of the Things In Place Organizing Website. They needed a landing page to direct listeners of an Organizing Telesummit. The flow of pages:

  • Listeners are directed to the gift offer page, where they can sign up for a newsletter and read about the offers for the free report: 77 Reasons to get Organized and the Things In Place: 83 Tips for Organizing Your Home e-book.
  • Once the newsletter subscribe form is filled in and the user confirms/opts-in by email they are added to an email subscriber database.
  • The subscriber is then directed to the gift sign up page where they can download the Organizing Reasons/Tips booklet(s) and can fill in a form providing their home mailing address for free gifts to be mailed directly to them.
  • After entering their address and pressing ‘Send Me Free Gifts’, they are sent to a gift confirmation page.
  • After the email confirmation/opt-in for the mailed gift, the address is added to the database and the gift thank you page is displayed. The option to email the latest newsletter to a friend is displayed on the right.
  • If the user is already in the database the gift already page is displayed.

Behind the scenes, on the back end, the forms feed the data collected to lists on a subscriber database. The usual validation and duplication checking is performed.

Things In Place Gift Offer
Gift Offer Landing Page
Things In Place Address Form
Gift Sign Up Page
Things In Place Gift Confirm
Gift Confirm Page
Things In Place Gift Thank You Page
Gift Thank You Page
Things In Place Already Signed Up
Already Signed Up








*Images on Things In Place Website – © 2011 Things In Place

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