Adobe Recommendations A/B Test

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I just wrapped up the implementation of Adobe Recommendations on an equestrian eCommerce site.  Recommendations are typically shown on the Product page of an eCommerce site.  A basic algorithm would show ‘Visitors that Viewed This also Viewed That’ – usually this is displayed just below the current product on the Product page.  This is where a shopper is likely to find products that might be closer to what they were searching for to begin with.   I ran an A/B test of the Adobe Recs algorithm against a competitor and was able to show a 64% lift in Revenue per Visitor for visitors that experienced the Adobe algorithm.   The monetized results showed a potential $500,000 to $700,000 increase in revenue after implementing the Adobe Recommendations on the site.  Not a bad return on investment!

Adobe makes it quite easy for marketers and merchandisers to define recommendations that promote relevant choices to visitors.  As outlined on the Adobe site:

  • Automated recommendations
    Eliminate the need for expensive, time-intensive manual approaches.
  • Marketer-managed algorithms
    Select from several algorithms and configure parameters to manage results.
  • Multichannel recommendations
    Provide recommendations via web, email, mobile, or other marketing channels.
  • Built-in testing
    Enable marketers to test recommendation performance in real time.
  • Enrichment by online analytics
    Eliminate a cold start by using existing analytics data.


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