Encaustic Burn

Encaustic Flame

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In this video I apply shellac to my encaustic painting and then set it on fire. Yes, sounds a little crazy but the effects are great. It’s called a wet shellac burn and it produces an organic lacy pattern in the wax layers. Of course, it is a little dangerous to be torching materials that clearly say ‘danger’ and ‘flammable’ on the container. It’s a good idea to have a fire extinguisher handy and plenty of ventilation – but you don’t want to fan the flames with wind or fan. The flames can sometimes be invisible so be careful!

Encaustic with wet shellac burn technique
Encaustic with wet shellac burn technique


This is the second try – this time I mixed the shellac with some Gold PearlEx and lit it up. The effect is even more pronounced.


Encaustic with wet shellac burn - 2nd try
Encaustic with wet shellac burn – 2nd try
Close up of shellac/Pearlex burn
Close up of shellac/Pearlex burn

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