jQuery Tooltips

jQuery Tooltip

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jQuery provides endless creative possibilities.  With just a few well placed lines of HTML, CSS and javascript you can change the entire look and feel of your site.  Move your cursor across the white lily image to see a great little tooltip which you can add to any element of your site quite easily.

White Lily Cropped
White Lily Cropped

Include the jquery tools in the head of your page:


This is the javascript to activate the tooltip, in this case all img tags with a title attribute inside the div element with id equal to sample.

   $("#sample img[title]").tooltip();

Here’s the HTML – note where the title attribute defines the tooltip content and is within the div element with an id of sample:

<div id="sample">                                                                                              
<img class="size-thumbnail wp-image-835" title="This is the White Lily tooltip! Created using javascript from the jQuery library."       
src="https://iamlamiak.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/lily-cropped-150x133.jpg" alt="White Lily Cropped"                     
width="150" height="133" />                                

Some CSS to style the tooltip image:

/* tooltip image */
.tooltip {
  background:transparent url(../custom-images/white_arrow_big.png);

This is just one of thousands of very cool jQuery things to do with a web page!

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