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Born in Sale, England, I was infatuated with art from as far back as I can remember. Time seemed to take on an entirely different quality when painting – there has always been an incongruity between the impression that each moment seemed to magically last forever, and the feeling that overall the time sped by and there is never enough of it available. I’ve always had a synethsia-like perception of color and light which connects so strongly to my emotions. Learning that color combinations can elicit deep contentment vs anxiety, I’ve always made sure that everything within my sphere of control and expression is calming and peaceful. To have this power, in my young mind I could bring peace to the world; if only…

While in art class in my school, in England, I remember realizing that I could make a fan shape with my round brush if I just pressed down and twisted the brush; the first inkling of the versatility and power of art tools. I created an abstract image that drew the attention of the art teacher and resulted in a photo of me with my painting in the local paper. When we moved to the USA I continued with drawing and painting, and in middle school one of my paintings (an encaustic painting no less!) won a regional Boston Globe Gold Key award.

Me painting in Dundale School, Tring UK
Me painting in Dundale School, Tring UK
Gold Key Award
Gold Key Award in USA

Since I come from a family educated in the hard sciences, a degree from an art school was never in the cards for me. Instead I developed my left brain with a degree and career in computer science and eventually ecommerce marketing. In order for me to find balance I have had to make sure to make time to nurture my artistic side.

Acrylics, watercolor, and then encaustic painting, which has been my focus for the last ten years, have been my methods of choice. Encaustic painting is a medium that allows me to express my inner spirit of curiosity. With practice you can learn how to exert some control, but there is an organic unpredictability to the medium and the process. I use my analytical side to form a plan but then I can indulge my creativity that wants to go with the flow. The process involves heating the wax to the point that it flows and then there is a balance of design intent and awareness of when to let go and just follow.

I think that it is a lifetime of appreciation of the beauty around me that lets me follow my creativity.


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