Proust was a Neuroscientist – Walt Whitman

Proust was a Neuroscientist

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Loved this book.   Lehrer shows that several 19th & 20th century artists – each discovered an essential truth about the mind that neuroscience in now proving in labs.  Wonderful combination of science and art.  Learned so much about perception and artists.  For example:

Walt Whitman – The substance of Feeling.  He believed, despite the philosophy of his time (Civil war), that “the mind depended on the flesh”.

“Come, said my soul,

Such verses for my Body let us write, (for we are one).”

-Walt Whitman

We are the poem that emerges from the unity of the body and the mind.  Feeling from flesh?  Soul from body?  Body from soul?   The science of neurology is now proving that rationality requires feeling, and feeling requires the body (senses).

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One thought on “Proust was a Neuroscientist – Walt Whitman

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Jonah Lehrer has a wonderful talent for boiling down neuro science’s research into interesting and stimulating literature (and blogs). Highly recommended! 🙂

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