ColorZilla Linear Gradients


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I’ve been behaving like a blog post snob (bps). Only complicated concepts that I’ve deconstructed then put back together are worthy of a post, as a result I’ve got about ten posts in draft and NOT on my blog.

Well, as of today I’m going to start posting all the little snippets of information that I find interesting and may forget before the end of the week. Who cares if I have all the correct details and terminology. Please feel free to correct/update/laugh in the comment section.

ColorZilla Firefox addon

The snippet that I’d like to archive for future retrieval/correction regards ColorZilla’s updated Firefox add-on: CSS Gradient Generator. It’s an experimental feature, still in development. Here’s the link to the docs: Mozilla Developer Network.

It offers a quick and easy way to throw together cross browser transparent CSS gradients without even opening Photoshop. That’s all. Don’t know what else is in ColorZilla 2.6.2 (..those digits resonate). Yet.

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