Vertical Forest with Dune Shack

vertical forest closeup

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Every day I pass a stretch of road that has some amazing tree lines. I decided it was worth pulling the car into the bushes and taking out the camera.

vertical forest
Vertical Forest - Original

When I got home I enhanced the contrast and vertical flow using the ink brush stroke tool from the PS CS4 filter gallery. Click the second image to get a closer look at the brush strokes.

vertical forest closeup
Vertical Forest Close Up

As is evident in the close-up, I couldn’t leave the forest completely empty; I had some Cape Cod dune shack photos from our summer visits to the National Seashore so I popped a shack into the sheltering branches of my vertical forest…and yes, it’s slightly non-vertical.

Forest with Dune Shack
Vertical Forest with Dune Shack Added

Dune Shack
Cape Cod Dune Shack

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